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Inspiring Young Minds at Bassaleg School

Championing careers in creative design
Championing careers in creative design

Opting for a career in design is hugely rewarding and at a recent Careers Fair at Bassaleg School we were lucky to speak to some young people who were curious as to how they could apply their creativity into future employability.

The opportunities are certainly there. According to the Design Business Association (DBA), the UK has the third largest creative economy in the world – providing jobs for three million people – and design is its fastest-growing sector. Despite this, arts-related subjects often face an uphill battle against the perception that careers in science or business are more ‘secure’ or ‘productive.’


Yet, in just two hours at the event, we met aspiring architects, programmers, fine artists, fashion designers and graphic designers all at different stages of their educational journey. Whether they were selecting their GCSEs or choosing A-Level subjects, the students shared a common desire: to turn their creative spark into a thriving career.


It’s vital that we continue to support young creatives in discovering their potential and understanding that creativity isn’t just a passion: it can be the foundation of a fulfilling and successful career. By fostering this mindset, we help shape a workforce that thrives on exploration, problem-solving and artistic expression.


A big thank you to the team at Bassaleg School for inviting us and championing the value of the creative industries on both the UK society and economy. We’re already looking forward to next year's event!


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