LSTM’s ‘Bump it Forward’ campaign, which aims to protect healthcare workers in Africa against the COVID-19 pandemic, is calling for additional support to purchase urgently needed rapid diagnostic tests.

LSTM’s partners and colleagues overseas are again reporting shortages of supplies, including urgently needed rapid diagnostics tests which enable testing to determine rates of COVID-19 in staff and patients.
After an initial fundraiser which saw supporters donate in excess of £250k to Malawi, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Liberia, phase 2 saw the focus move to the specific messaging for more donations to support the purchasing of Rapid diagnostic tests and more PPE.
Our design team took a new approach to the illustrations for this, building on the recognisable phase 1 creatives whilst integrating a variety of authentic video diaries and case studies which really hit home the impact that every penny made.
If you want to find out more, head to