• Visual Identity
• Environment
• Wayfinding
Working to Swansea University’s brand guidelines but embracing the College’s innovative spirit, we’ve put together sleek, dynamic brochures designed to make engineering stand out.
When we were invited to be part of a project celebrating the new Bay Campus, we had to think bigger.
'For business, run by business.' Business Improvement Districts play a strategic role in shaping the local environment for the benefit of all.
Working with the Newport Now partnership, we developed a website that captured their role in supporting an economically vibrant city centre.
• Visual Identity
• Environment
• Wayfinding

Over a decade spent working with the College of Engineering at Swansea University means we understand its history and vision for the future – inside out. One of our most recent challenges took our relationship to a new level with designs for vast outdoor spaces.
These brand new facilities are huge spaces, incorporating student malls, meeting points and lecture spaces. Creating interesting, informative and inspiring graphics embracing the spirit of research and education was a priority and we worked to develop an integrated and phased approach guiding visitors through the space with ease.
Reconnecting with customers has been a key challenge for high streets over across the UK. ‘Here For You’ was just the campaign to re-ignite the relationship for Kingsway Centre. Trading on the friendliness and approachability of small independents and family favourites, the messaging was simple and direct. Themes were based around the shopping offer, the staff, safety, and finally, atmosphere, with the customer at the core of all interactions. A refreshed website echoed the campaign approach; in came a lighter sub-pallete, hand drawn illustrations as well as new photography that focused squarely on the tenants and the warm welcome extended to all. A content rich social media campaign allowed for higher levels of interaction with the creatives adapted to reflected seasonality and storyboarding consistently.

'Icon nailed the brief from the outset creating engaging spaces with colourful bespoke designs which have received only positive comments from staff and students throughout the University.'
Tamsyn Protheroe, Digital Marketing and Communications Officer, College of Engineering, Swansea University